We installed a "Flash and Batt" application of insulation on the original walls downstairs which is a hybrid use of 1" high R-value closed-cell spray foam and traditional fiberglass batts. The thought is that the closed-cell foam is another line of defense against smoke smells returning. We'll see. I've done everything you're supposed to do to rid the smell, but I'm concerned that on a 105 degree day it could return. If it does, it will really be a bummer since over 95% of the structure is brand new.
I had the sheetrock delivered Monday. I hadn't yet talked to any labor guys since I didn't know when I might pass the reinspection. I worked my labor situation out quickly Friday and had it started to hang in hours. I'm going as cheap as I know how to by hiring hanging and finishing crews directly cutting out a "sheetrock company" who would facilitate both, and take their cut. It's really helping that these labor guys don't have much going on right now. The hanging was done by lunch Saturday. I had the garage sheetrocked, which in hindsight was not a good decision - it will end up costing about $850. But check out the pictures - this garage is about as nice as you could build. Brick is about all you could add. It was built with attic trusses which are designed to allow for a 9' wide decked storage area. It has can lights and a separate work shop in the back.
On Saturday, Blake, Jose and I laid all the tile backer in the baths and kitchen/laundry while the siding guys finished up. On Sunday, I worked on finishing the deck. It is almost done. The areas which have no siding are going to have a vinyl cedar shake shingle which is on order. The shutters aren't installed yet either. Any thoughts on what color we should use?
We've got a tentative deal on our next place so we've got to get this one finished. Pictures of "Oak Hill Manor" to follow... developing.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!!!! (As usual!)
what about dark blue shutters?
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