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Friday, August 3, 2007

Bookworms Anonymous

So... I am in this terrific (all-female) book club, but our membership has experience some shrinkage due to a couple of members moving or otherwise dropping out. We are now recruiting. If any of you ladies in the Nashville area are interested, please let me know. We'd love to have you guys.

We welcome any age or viewpoint, and we read everything from classics to mysteries to light women's lit. It's definitely a grab bag. We take turns choosing books and hosting potlucks monthly, so there's not a lot of prep work for the hostess. (We've even been known to meet at Starbucks when someone's home isn't conducive to a meeting.) We're also contemplating going online with a discussion group so members who can't attend a meeting can still participate in discussion.

If you aren't interested but know someone who might be, please pass the word along.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'd like to join in. Can you email me the info?